Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chihiro Makio ... from jewlery to teapots

Simple, yet interesting jewelry is what I like to create. The most basic shapes such as circles and squares can be very interesting if they have character. I do not use decorative gemstones in my pieces because those stones tend to become the focal point of the jewelry. Rather, I create something interesting and pleasing to the eye and skin, by combining different shapes and textures of the metal. The colors I use on my pieces are often glass seed beads and sequins, and they are as beautiful as precious stones. I believe that it is my techniques and labor that’s making this jewelry valuable, not the value of precious stones.

I feel that the most important aspect to my jewelry is its craftsmanship. I often feel under-appreciated when I am referred to as a “designer”, because it sounds so far removed from the creation of the work itself. When I start working on a piece, a lot get changed in the process. Sometimes it evolves into something completely different than what was originally in my sketchbook. More often than not, something much better is created. Even though I have been working with silver for approximately thirteen years now, each design offers a completely different way of working with the material. Every design gives me new ideas but also some challenges I have to “figure out” a solution for.

Another very important aspect of my jewelry is its functionality. I find a lot of very innovative and beautiful jewelry out there that are non-functional as jewelry. I can’t imagine some of those would be comfortable to wear. My jewelry needs to be worn for a full appreciation. That is why I pay great attention to its shape, weight and volume so that the wearer can be totally comfortable while wearing it.

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